MATLAB: Problem about inner product of function

inner product

Frist, Thanks for your attention for my question, the following is my code:
% code
function responsenum = numreponse(num)
switch num
case 1
response = @(x,y)x+y;
case 2
response = @(x,y)x*y;
function y = innerprod(fun1,fun2)
y = fun1.*fun2;
psi = dblquad(innerprod(numreponse(1),numreponse(2)),-1,1,-1,1,1e-2,@quad1)
when i run the code, the error message is "undefined function 'times' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'" . i will be appreciated if you can give me a help!ThKs

Best Answer

function y = innerprod(fun1,fun2)
y = @(x,y) fun1(x,y) .* fun2(x,y);