MATLAB: Problem: 3D Diffusion Equation with Sinkterm

3d3d plotsconcentrationdiffusiondiffusion equationdiffusion visualizationMATLABmeshgridpdeproblemprofile

Hi guys, I am working on a 3d simulation which shows the concentration profile in a 1m^3 box. In this box I placed a filter which filters out a concentration of substance X. The initial conditions for this problem are: At r (radius) = R (radius filter), c = cs (concentration = surface concentration of the filter), at r = inf, c = c0 (concentration = initial concentration), and for t=0, c =c0. The problem I encounter is that the concentration profile in the box changes too quickly to be believable. Also changing the diffusion coefficient has no result on the outcome of the simulation.
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diffusion = 4.058*10^-5; %calculated for substance X
Lx = 10;
Ly = 10;
Lz = 10;
Nx = 21; Nt = 400000; %amount of iterations
Ny = 21;
Nz = 21;
dx = Lx/(Nx-1);
dy = Ly/(Ny-1);
dz = Lz/(Nz-1);
%CFL conditions, determines how big dt should be for the equation to
c = 1;
C=0.075; %C<1
dt = dx*C/c;
%field variables
cn=zeros(Nx,Ny,Nz); %concentration
x=linspace(0,Lx,Nx); %xdistance
y=linspace(0,Ly,Ny); %ydistance
z=linspace(0,Lz,Nz); %zdistance
[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x,y,z); %defining 3D grid
%Value of Diffusion
D = ones(Nx,Ny,Nz)+diff;
D([1 end],:,:) = 10^-15; %insulated problem which means that the diffusion is almost zero at the boundaries
D(:,[1 end],:) = 10^-15;
D(:,:,[1 end]) = 10^-15;
%initial condition
cn(:,:,:) = 0.15*10^-9; %initial value of c
for n=1:Nt
cc = cn;
t=t+dt; %new time
%New temperature
for i=2:Nx-1
for j=2:Ny-1
for k=2:Nz-1
cn(i,j,k) = cc(i,j,k)+ dt*D(i,j,k)*...
((cc(i+1,j,k) - 2*cc(i,j,k) + cc(i-1,j,k))/dx/dx +...
(cc(i,j+1,k) - 2*cc(i,j,k) + cc(i,j-1,k))/dy/dy +...
(cc(i,j,k+1) - 2*cc(i,j,k) + cc(i,j,k-1))/dz/dz);
%Insulation conditions
cn(1,:,:)=cn(2,:,:); %walls

cn(end,:,:) = cn(end-1,:,:); %walls
cn(:,1,:)=cn(:,2,:); %walls
cn(:,end,:) = cn(:,end-1,:); %walls
cn(:,:,1)=cn(:,:,2); %floor
cn(:,:,end) = cn(:,:,end-1); %roof
%sink term Filter
cn(10,10,5) = 4*10^-11;
if(mod(n,600) == 0) %updates image every 0.25 minutes, this has been done to speed up computation
slice(X,Y,Z,cn,5,5,0); colormap(flipud(hsv(256))); colorbar; caxis([3*10^-11 1.5*10^-10]);
title(sprintf('time = %f minutes', t/60))

Best Answer

For the people who are interested. This line is wrong: D = ones(Nx,Ny,Nz)+diff; Instead, first define
D = ones(Nx,Ny,Nz) and next line say D(:,:,:) = diff; I think this gives an accurate representation of the diffusion. Here is the code:
%field variables
cn=zeros(Nx,Ny,Nz); %concentration matrix
D = ones(Nx,Ny,Nz); %Diffusion matrix
x=linspace(0,Lx,Nx); %xdistance
y=linspace(0,Ly,Ny); %ydistance
z=linspace(0,Lz,Nz); %zdistance
[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x,y,z); %defining 3D grid
%Value of Diffusion
D(:,:,:) = diff;
D([1 end],:,:) = c_border; %insulated problem which means that Diffusion is almost zero at the boundaries end does both sides
D(:,[1 end],:) = c_border;
D(:,:,[1 end]) = c_border;
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