MATLAB: Printmat still usable and if so, what am I doing wrong


So Ive got this matrix, and would like it to be printed with labels and my colleagues use the function printmat. However I keep getting Undefined function 'printmat' for input arguments of type'cell' or 'double'. Also doc printmat shows no results. I use Matlab 2013a.
Is printmat still usable?
If so, what am I doing wrong?
A = magic(3);
name = 'magmat';
cnames = 'a b c';
rnames = '10 11 12';
printmat(A, name, rnames, cnames)
printmat({A, name, rnames, cnames})
doc printmat
Undefined function 'printmat' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Undefined function 'printmat' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
no results found