MATLAB: Printing two columns into text


I have the following code and what ever I do, I m not able to print the two vectors as columns side by side. Please help.
A = [1;2;3];
B= [4;5;6];
fid = fopen('Myfiles.txt', 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%u %u \n', [A B]');
It prints as
1 4 2 5 3 6
But I want it as
1 4
2 5
3 6
Where am I going wrong? Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

For me it doesn't. It works just fine:
A = [1;2;3]
B = [4;5;6]
fid = fopen('Myfiles.txt', 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%u %u \n', [A B]');
% sprintf('%u %u \n', [A B]')
type 'Myfiles.txt'
The type statement writes it out the command window and it looks just fine. If it doesn't for you, then, in fopen(), try using 'wt' instead of 'w' and see if that makes it look better.