MATLAB: Printing in matrix form


Hi! I'm trying to neatly display the means of a 3-D matrix, but can't get the results to print as a 2-D matrix.
test = rand(3,3,4)
for i = 1:3; for j = 1:3; grid = mean(test(i,j,:)) end end
When 'grid' prints it lists the nine means individually rather than placing them in a 3×3 matrix. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

No reason for a FOR-loop.
grid = mean(test,3); %second input to mean is the dimension to mean along, in this case 3.
To fix your FOR-loop you just need to keep the indices:
for ii = 1:3; %ii and jj since i,j = sqrt(-1)
for jj = 1:3;
grid(ii,jj) = mean(test(ii,jj,:))