MATLAB: Printing function results to the Workspace

functions workspace

So I have a simple function
function range(x,y)
%Finds the range between x and y
When I run the function, I would like the result to output to the workspace. If I run:
ans =
So i want the Workspace to then show "Range" with Value = 1
My first thought was to type
range_a = range(4,5)
but it responds with:
??? Error using ==> range Too many output arguments.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

You get that error because you haven't given the function any output arguments. So let's give it one!
function R = range(x,y)
%Finds the range between x and y
R = y-x;
Now from the command line:
RNG = range(4,5)
Also, you would probably find it worthwhile to read the function doc:
doc function