MATLAB: Printing Figures Very Slow 2014b vs 2013b


Just installed 2014b – and the printing is a step back to Gutenberg. I have Mac OS X 10.9.3.
Figures with Opengl renderer:
2013b >> tic;print('-dpng','-r300',[outpath,outfile]);toc
Elapsed time is 0.528570 seconds.
2014b >> tic;print('-dpng','-r300',[outpath,outfile]);toc
Elapsed time is 1.786196 seconds.
It does not matter which device or resolution I use:
2013b >> tic;print('-dtiff',[outpath,outfile]);toc
Elapsed time is 0.296846 seconds.
2014b >>tic;print('-dtiff',[outpath,outfile]);toc
Elapsed time is 0.845170 seconds.
Things get even worse if I use the painters renderer:
2013b >> tic;print('-dpng','-r300','-painters',[outpath,outfile]);toc
Elapsed time is 0.476110 seconds.
2014b >> tic;print('-dpng','-r300','-painters',[outpath,outfile]);toc
Elapsed time is 6.714240 seconds.
This is a serious time hit.

Best Answer

Hi Robert,
Thanks for your feedback. I forwarded your message to the development team in charge of the print function. This is a known issue in MATLAB R2014b and they are actively working on it.
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