MATLAB: Print to file, saveas, maintaining figure dimensions

figureimage dimensionsMATLABprintsave as

Hello All,
I'm creating a single figure with three plots and setting the axes to be equal giving me three square plots (images, actually). This is all done many times with a loop so I'm looking for a coding solution rather than a clicking solution. To reduce the amount of blank space, I adjust the figure window size:
set(fig,'Position',[100 100 1200 300])
to give a rectangular window. When it is printed or saved to a file:
the resulting saved image (jpeg) has the same dimensions as the default figure window. I've seen answers to similar problems that use:
set(fig,'PaperPosition', [100 100 1200 300])
but that didn't do the trick. In a sentence, I'm looking for the best way to save the figure as an image with specific dimensions. I'd appreciate any suggestions! Thank you.

Best Answer

check this
set(gcf, 'PaperUnits', 'centimeters');
set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 10 15]); %x_width=10cm y_width=15cm
%if it's for use with word, use the same units then word's