MATLAB: Print Pushtool in gui doesn’t work!


I have a GUI that has a figure containing an axes and some uicontrolls plus some toolbar pushbuttons including a print Pushbutton which is hooked up to the default callback function. when I have a ribbon in my axes it refuses to print the graphics (it still prints an empty figure), but when I have a graphics that was drawn by plot, the print button works. P.S. my axes 'visibility' property is turned off, which don't think has anything to do with the print malfunction.
any tip is appreciated

Best Answer

It could be the renderer. Try
for both types of plot and see if they're different. The reasons for this are beyond me, but a while ago I tried changing the renderer on a figure because the colorbar was being weird- it fixed the colorbar problem but when I went to print, a blank sheet came out.