MATLAB: Print Figure to Word Document with Current Figure Size

figure sizeprint figureword

Hi All,
I am currently using a function on File Exchange to print my figure to a Word document. I noticed the size of the figure on the doc was a lot smaller than the actual size of the figure. I tried to set the "position" and "paperPosition" of the figure before printing, but neither setting affected the figure size. Could anyone please help me on this issue? I just want to make the figure in the doc the same size as the current figure size in MATLAB. The code that I used from File Exchange is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
% Find end of document and make it the insertion point:
end_of_doc = get(actx_word_p.activedocument.content,'end');
% Paste the contents of the Clipboard:
%also works Paste(ActXWord.Selection)

Best Answer

I print figures to Word in a different way. First print the figure to a temporary file using something like
temp_fname = [tempname '.png'];%Create a temporary name
print(['-f' sprintf('%d',figure_number)], '-dpng', temp_fname);
where figure_number is the number of the figure you're working with.
Then insert the picture using something like
where Word_COM is the COM object for Word.
Lastly, delete the temporary file and set the size of the picture using
set(Pic, 'ScaleHeight', scale, 'ScaleWidth', scale);
where scale is some user-defined value. You can adjust the scale until you get something you like.
Good luck,