MATLAB: Price Forecasting Using Neural Networks

Deep Learning Toolboxforecastprice

Hello All,
I am working on a project for Electricity Price Forecasting of some regions in INDIA. Has anyone earlier worked in it before? Can anybody provide some assistance. What I have done till now is; I have collected last one year price data of West(India) Region and the factors that affect the price. Kindly let me know how to proceed further.
Regards, Rohan

Best Answer

For N examples of the I factors and corresponding prices
[I N ] = size(input)
[1 N ] = size(target)
help fitnet
doc fitnet
This is a time-series problem which should be apprroached via
timedelaynet (delayed input, no output feedback)
narxnet (delayed input and delayed output feedback)
To help determine which approach to use, calculate
a. the significant input delays from the cross-correlation function of inputs and output
b. the significant output delays from the output autocorrelation function.
I have posted many examples. Search
greg timedelaynet nncorr
greg narxnet nncorr
Hope this helps.
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