MATLAB: Present decimal values in a pie graph


Hello, I'm struggling in a specific action in a pie graph. After I input a vector of numbers, if the sum of the numbers is bigger than 100, than the program should do the following action in a for loop.
afterwards a pie graph should be created and the numbers should be presented in their decimal value. my code works fine and creates the graph besides the decimal part. I would love to get a hand in here how to turn my values into their decimal values (I know this code won't do it, I'm not familiar with any command that would do that).
else sum(num) > 100
for i = 1 ; length(num) %for loop that takes every value, divides it by the sum of the vector and multiply by 100%
num(i) = ((num(i)/sum(num))*100);
thanks in advance.

Best Answer

for i = 1 ; length(num) % ";" should be ":"
num(i) = ((num(i)/sum(num))*100);
Use Matlab array syntax instead of loops...
num=100*num/sum(num); % Matlab is "MATrix LABoratory", use vectorized operations
pie(num,cellstr(num2str(num(:),'%05.2f%'))) % write percentages as labels
NB: the (:) on the num array to ensure is column vector in argument to num2str to ensure generates a columnar list of char strings; a row vector gets turned into one long string instead, not at all what you want.
"Salt to suit" the precision for the format string...
Fixed missing cellstr() cast and mistyped format string (had 5f.2 rather than 5.2f)