MATLAB: PREPARETS: solved. How to test/predict a/with neural network with a new series of input

narxnetnetneural networksperformpreparets

Preparets has been solved. I will continue working on my code. Question will be updated if necessary or deleted if no other questions surface.
I designed a NARX neural network with the following code:
%%The files are attached
%%Create a Nonlinear Autoregressive Network with External Input
inputDelays = 10:15;
feedbackDelays = 10:15;
hiddenLayerSize = 10;
perf = [];
net = narxnet(inputDelays,feedbackDelays,hiddenLayerSize);
net = openloop(net);
%%Prepare data and Train network
[inputs,inputStates,layerStates,targets,EWs,SHIFT] = preparets(net,LeftEMGsInputSeries,{},LeftAnkleAngleTargetSeries);
[net,tr] = train(net,inputs,targets,inputStates,layerStates);
%Switch the network to predictive mode
newnet = removedelay(net,10);
And it works. Now, I want to predict an output based on a new set of inputs. Since my new series are not the same size of the original test/train series, I tried to prepare the series with:
[held_inputs,held_inputStates,held_layerStates,held_targets,held_EWs,held_SHIFT] = preparets(net,held_LeftEMGsInputSeriesup,{},held_LeftAnkleAngleTargetSeriesup);
And then use:
Predicted_targets = net(held_inputs, held_inputStates, held_layerStates);
perf = perform(newnet,held_LeftAnkleAngleTargetSeriesup, Predicted_targets);
But I get an error on the preparets line.
Error using preparets (line 78)
Inputs{1,1} is not numeric or logical.
A colleague developed a similar network and his code below works:
[held_back_inputs,held_back_inputStates,held_back_layerStates,held_back_targets,held_back_EWs,held_back_SHIFT] = preparets(net,held_back_inputSeries_altered,{},held_back_targetSeries_altered);
I cannot see the difference. I don't know if the error comes on how the arrays/cells were created. How can I fix this issue?
Thank you,

Best Answer

In this case, the data was not as individual cell arrays.
can be use to format the data correctly.