MATLAB: Preconditioning algorithm on GPU for solution of sparse matrices


I solve large sparse Ax=b equations with conjugate gradient algorithms with a preconditioner. Since Matlab 2016a, Matlab started to support some conjugate gradient algorithms like bicgstab, pcg, gmres on GPU with a preconditioner for sparse matrices. Those functions only accept M sparse matrix (M=M1*M2 for M1 lower M2 upper triangular sparse matrix) not M1 and M2.
I'm wondering how Matlab apply preconditioner? I know that sparse triangular matrix solving on GPU is notoriously slow. So I think it might use some kind of iterative method. Maybe preconditioner applying might be done on CPU instead. So what exactly is done on the background while applying the preconditioner?

Best Answer

MATLAB's preconditioning for sparse iterative solvers on the GPU is currently implemented using ILU and sparse triangular solves. If you have a solution more appropriate to your problem then you can use the functional form - this diverts to a different implementation but can be faster and/or converge better depending on your problem.