MATLAB: Power density spectrum F(jω) to time domain input signal F(t)

power density spectrumpsdtime series

Hi there,
For this problem, I have the input signal's Power density spectrum [S(jω)] and its Standard deviation [σ] this is all the given information. I need to get the signal in time domain as [h(t)].
How can I do this either using MATLAB code or Simulink blocks?.
I would be grateful for any help, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Mahmoud
this is John BG ( )
May the readers of the question know the following:
instead of getting the pavement roughness spectral density time response, wouldn't it make more sense to aim at the [x y] response after applying the vehicle signal?
the above source shows pavement roughness PSD with units [m^3], the PSD of your question Sh(w) has units [cm^2*s] . Is the model of your question 1D or 2D?
the inverse transform of the pavement roughness is a surface, not a time signal, right? so you are asking for the surface that has the PSD in the question table?
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