MATLAB: Positioning new nodes in a graph


I've the following graph
s = [1 1 1 2 2];
t = [2 3 4 2 5];
G = graph(s,t);
% plot
h = plot(G);
New nodes are added below
% add new nodes
G = addedge(G,[3 5],[6 7])
However, I want to position the new edges vertically (90 degree) above the existing nodes and not at the default positions.
For instance, the position of node 3 and 5 are [0.5492 0.9698] and [-0.8913 -0.9239] respectively.
I wish to retain the same x-coordinates for the new nodes 6 and 7 and add an offset to y-coordinate. e.g. offset = 0.05
The coordinates of 6 and 7 will be [0.5492 0.9698+offset] and [-0.8913 -0.9239+offset] .
Any suggestions on how this(or alternate ways) can be implemented will be really helpful.

Best Answer

As per my understanding, you want to customize node positions on plot. Here is the link you can refer to
Here is sample code
s = [1 1 1 2 2];
t = [2 3 4 2 5];
G = graph(s,t);
% plot
h = plot(G);
x = h.XData;
y = h.YData;
G = addedge(G,[3 5],[6 7])
x = [x , x(3), x(5)];
y = [y, y(3)+0.5, y(5)+0.5]
Hope this helps!
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