MATLAB: Populate Listbox with exceptions


Currently my method of outputing directory files to a listbox is:
dir_struct = dir(pwd)
[sorted_names,sorted_index] = sortrows({}');
handles.file_names = sorted_names;
When getting the sorted_names I want to exclude certain files. Let's say files containing 'include' should be included, /w 'exclude' not.
I was thinking about using regexp. Suggestions?

Best Answer

[sorted_names,sorted_index] = sortrows({}');
by the simpler:
sorted_names = sort({});
Now you want to exlucde names, which contain the substring 'exclude'?
sorted_names(contains(sorted_names, 'exclude')) = [];
Or include files, whose name contains 'include':
sorted_names = sorted_names(contains(sorted_names, 'include'));
With older Matlab versions before contains was available, use:
function T = myContains(Str, Key)
T = ~cellfun('isempty', strfind(Str, Key));