MATLAB: Populate filenames into a GUI listbox..

filenamesguilistboxMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitewav

Hey all,
Although i managed to sort (via help from Star Strider) to get only wav files loaded into a listdlg, i now have a GUI (designed through GUIDE) and need to do the same with the listbox i created on there..
The code i have for the simple listdlg is:
d = dir('*.wav'); % Select Only ‘.wav’ Files
str = {};
[s,v] = listdlg('PromptString','Select a wav file:',...
'ListSize', [160 160],...
'Name', 'Choose Audio File..',...
if v
wav_name = str{s}; % File Name Of Selected File
wav_path = which(wav_name); % Path Of Selected File
fprintf(1, '\tNo file was selected.\n')
Obviously this code won't work with the GUI listbox so could someone point me in the right direction to get this working please 🙂
I've read a few threads on here and on other websites but i can't get them to work correctly.
I presume the goes in the listbox1_CreateFcn section?

Best Answer

To populates the listbox you can use
and put the code in the _OpeningFcn of the GUI (created by GUIDE)