MATLAB: Populate cell array dynamically

cell arraysMATLABtablevectorization

I have data output into a text file from which I can determine, for example, the following:
ssnname =
3×1 cell array
ssnend =
What ssnname means is that the user has selected session2 from day1, session11 from day3, etc, and exported all the runs from those sessions into the text file, which I am analysing with MATLAB. What ssnend means is that after a readtable import of the text file, D1S02 data occupies the first 10 rows, D13S11 the next 10 rows, and D3S12 the final 4 rows, for a total of 24 runs exported by the user. What I'm trying to do is create a new nx1 (in this case, 24×1) cell array that contains 'D1S02' in the the first 10 values, 'D3S11' in the next 10, and 'D3S12' in the remaining 4, so that I can concatenate it into the table for plotting purposes.
This is done easily enough for a single case, but I'm trying to write code that will do it dynamically, regardless of how many sessions the user exports. As a point of info, ssnname and ssnend will always have the same number of values (rows), but the sessions themselves could contain any number of runs.
Vectorized or not, I could really use some help on this one. Thank you!

Best Answer

ssnname = {'D1S02';'D3S11';'D3S12'}
ssnend = [10 20 24]
ssnend = num2cell([ssnend(1) diff(ssnend)])
output = cellfun(@(x,y) repmat(x,y,1), ssnname,ssnend','un',0);