MATLAB: Popout figures in Web Desktop

figureweb desktop

I'm using the matlab web desktop through my browser. I love it, but cannot figure out how to make figures that are not docked. I know it's possible because when you run any of the anova functions it makes a popout window, and the text in the table can be copied nicely into a program like excel. I want to make my own figure with by own table data that can then be copied the same way. But, simply using the figure function or uitable always makes a docked figure that does not have a menu bar (even if you manually make one, it doesn't show up). Any ideas? remember, this is matlab in a browser using the web desktop.

Best Answer

OK, I've solved this.
To get a figure to be free floating in Matlab Online, I had to set the Toolbar to the 'figure'.
For example, if Figure 1 is stuck in the main windows, you can use
and then it will be released to float freely.