MATLAB: Polyspace: color of underlined tokens in the source pane

colorpolyspacePolyspace Client for C/C++sourceunderline

I'm trying to understand the different kinds of underlining Polyspace provides in the "Source" pane of the GUI. Obviously, solid red, green, gray and orange underlining corresponds to the well-known categories. But there are also the following underline styles:
  • Solid black
  • Dashed black
  • Dashed blue
  • Dashed red
I can't find an explanation in the documentation. Can anyone shed light on what these styles indicate?

Best Answer

Hi Tommy!
Basically, dashed lines are used to indicate that tooltips are available. Tooltips on operators, assignments, etc.. that have no check on it.
The blue color is associated with function definitions. So when you see a dashed blue, it means that there is a tooltip for this function definition.
Dashed red is for NTC (Non-Termination of Call), and is used to indicate that first the call to this function will not return, and that a tooltip is available to get more information on the reason why this call will not terminate.
And finally solid black is when there is a macro on the line (you can see a M on the left-hand side too). It's like an HTML link, and if you click this link you will see the expanded source.
Best regards,