MATLAB: Polyspace BugFinder – Module Analysis – The current working directory does not exist

bugfinderpolyspacePolyspace Bug Finder

In R2019b we get the error highlighted below when any user is running BugFinder on one specific installation.
On what we believe to be an identical installation and setup we do not get this error during the analysis.
The error occurs during the call to: 'pslinkrun' from the command line and is also raised when running from the Polyspace project GUI.
Other parts of the analysis not shown in the output below work as expected.
*** Beginning Bug-finder – Module Analysis
**** Bug-finder – Module Analysis – 1 (Computing modules)
Error: The current working directory does not exist.
The expected outcome:
*** Beginning Bug-finder – Module Analysis
**** Bug-finder – Module Analysis – 1 (Computing modules)
* Created 1 module
**** Bug-finder – Module Analysis – 1 (Computing modules) took 0.01real, 0.01u + 0s
**** Bug-finder – Module Analysis – (Verifying module #1 / 1: 2 functions)
**** Bug-finder – Module Analysis – (Verifying module #1 / 1: 2 functions) took 0.35real
Maximum Memory Usage: 1754 MB
Any idea on the error would be appreciated?

Best Answer

For this kind of problem, please contact the technical support.
You can do that from the MathWorks website:
It is always helpful to attach the Polyspace analysis log.
Best regards,