MATLAB: Polynomial fitting with dependent variables


How can I obtain a polynomial fitting in Matlab having coefficients depending on another variable ? e.g I have variables X1 and Y and I want to find the line (polynomial of degree 1) that fits Y=f(X1)=p0+p1*X1. That would result in the two polynomial coefficients p0,p1 with the function polyfit. Now, I would like to obtain a fitting for which the coefficients p0,p1 depend (linearly) on another variable X2 so p0=f1(X2)=a*X2+b, p1=f2(X2)=c*X2+d.
That would finally result in Y=f1(X2)+f2(X2)*X1.
How to do that ?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

In this case, your model is of the form
and you have to estimate the coefficients a,b,c and d.
Since this model is also linear in the coefficients, you can use the same method as for the model
Best wishes