MATLAB: Polarscatter crashes at larger vector size

MATLABpolarpolarplotpolarscatterpolarscatter crashpolarscatter crash larger vector size

I have issues with Polarscatter crashing, so I really can't use it.
I have R2020a Update 3 ( I think this is the latest available currently.
I have not tried to go back to a lower version.
"polarplot" and "polar" seemed to work well regardless of size. Polar isn't recommended anymore by Mathwork. Polarplot's graphing functionality is very limited. So I would like "polarscatter" to work.
I tried these very simple codes and I can recreate every time;
%crash test
rho = 0:1:rowsize;
theta = 0:(2*pi()/rowsize):2*pi();
polarplot(theta,rho) %works regardless of row vector size
polar(theta,rho) %works regardless of row vector size
%ps=polarscatter(theta,rho); %this works up to 1500. At 2000, it crashes.
ps.Marker = 's';
ps.MarkerFaceColor = 'red';
polarscatter(theta,rho,'g.') %this works better, but crashes at larger than 5000.
%polarscatter(theta,rho) %when the marker is not specified, it crashes at around 1500 vector size or larger. OK at 1000.

Best Answer

Hi Jayman,
The Mathworks team has been updated with this issue. We will try to fix it in the future releases.