MATLAB: Polar plot in App Designer (Edit: Not possible April 2020)

polar plot

I have an app created with App Designer with regular cartesian axes in the UIFigure, some buttons and values, and I just want to add a polar axis underneath the cartesian ones. I've been searching information and the only thing I could find is to create the polar axis inside de UIFigure, but that's just plots the polar axis behind every component of the app, so it's useless.
To sum up, I just want to know if there's an option where I can change the default cartesian UIAxes to a polar axes, the ones you create with 'polaraxes' and 'polarplot'.
Thank you!

Best Answer

At the moment the only way to use a polar axes within App Designer is to call the polaraxes command from within your code (such as the startup function).
My personal recommendation is to put a panel into your app where you want the polar axes to be located. Then, create a property on your app to store the polar axes handle. Within your code you call the polaraxes command with the panel as the first input, and the polar axes will fill the panel.
app.PolarAxes = polaraxes(app.Panel);