MATLAB: Points in image disappear when using imtranslate()

imtranslate image overlay

Two black-and-white images are imported, which are matrices of sizes 256 x 256 and 301 x 601 respectively.
Full intensity is 140.0, and black of course is 0.0.
The goal is to be able to shift the smaller image around, over the larger image, and finding similar patterns.
When using:
img1 = imtranslate(img1,[100, -50],'FillValues',255);
imshowpair(img1, img2)
some of the points have disappeared from the smaller image (img1 in this case). This only happens when the image has been shifted. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Is your drawing window at least 601 pixels wide? If not then MATLAB needs to resize the image to fit the window, and when that is done, fine details could disappear.