MATLAB: Pointer to incomplete class type error in polyspace.


I get polyspace compilation error as "pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed" in polyspace2010b version and gnu compiler.
below is the sample of code: struct student_s { unsigned int applicationId; };
typedef struct student_s student_t;
typedef student_t *studentid_t;
struct studentinfo_s { studentid_t id; };
typedef struct studentinfo_s studentinfo_t; studentinfo_t * const student_Info;
student_Info->id->applicationId = 10;
Polyspace throws error when I try to assign 10 to student_Info->id->applicationId. How can i fix this error.
Regards, PN.

Best Answer

I haven't been able to reproduce this error with the last version of Polyspace (R2016b).
Here is the complete code snippet used for the test:
struct student_s {
unsigned int applicationId;
typedef struct student_s student_t;
typedef student_t *studentid_t;
struct studentinfo_s { studentid_t id; };
typedef struct studentinfo_s studentinfo_t;
studentinfo_t * const student_Info;
studentinfo_t glob;
void f(void) {
student_Info = &glob;
student_Info->id->applicationId = 10;
I suggest you to try with this new version. If you cannot upgrade, please contact the support and attach the verification log to your request.