MATLAB: Plotyy does not what i want…

2d plotline plotplotplotyy

Hello there,
I want to plot 2 graphs with different lengths in one figure.
maxidx_smooth2 is a 484×1 vector time_climate_h is a 893×1 vector temp_climate is a 893×1 vector
I tried 'plotyy' but I donĀ“t come along with the 'X' arguments, somehow MATLAB rejects this but for what reason?
% plotyy(time_climate_h,maxidx_smooth2,time_climate_h,temp_climate)
RESULTS IN: "Error using plot Vectors must be the same lengths."
But why? I thouht this is the reason … plot two different vectors in one plot with different lenghts?

Best Answer

Hi Florian
The length of y1 must be the same as x1 and the length of y2 must be the same as x2 but x1 and x2,and hence, y1 and y2 can have different lengths.
See the example below:
% Create dummy data.
x1 = 1:10; x2 = 2:5;
y1 = rand(1,length(x1)); y2 = rand(1,length(x2));
h = plotyy(x1,y1,x2,y2);
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