MATLAB: Plotting within GUI creates figure, removes other UIs


My GUI uses radio buttons to switch between figures; however, when a radio button is selected, it opens a new figure with the plot and closes the GUI form. The radio buttons call external script files – is this perhaps the cause of the problem? The following is the code for the radio buttons:
switch get(eventdata.NewValue,'Tag')
case 'Envo1'
case 'Envo2'
case 'Envo3'
case 'Envo4'
case 'Envo5'
Within the script files is simply variable definitions and plot commands. I have other radio buttons on the form that I would like to use to further add to the plot created by these radio buttons, but it isn't working so well when the radio buttons aren't plotting to the figure on the form. Any advice or direction towards where the issue may be is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Examine all your external scripts and gui m-file code for the line:
close all;
It sounds like at some point you're calling that.