MATLAB: Plotting very small and large values on same figure.


Hi, I have one question. I have set of data column wise. Actually two columns are there. Problem is that 1 column contain very small values in decimals like 0.00001 etc where the other column has comparatively large values. I want to analyze this data through plotting.
Can anybody please suggest me which plot type like bar, scatter or plot is better here??? I would be very thankful to you.

Best Answer

Look at
doc yyaxis
to put the two on separate axes that will cover range of each variable independently for starters, at least....
If y is the data array, then
yyaxis left
bar([y(:,1) nan(size(y,1),1)],'grouped')
yyaxis right
bar([ nan(size(y,1),1) y(:,2)],'grouped')
This uses feature of most basic plotting routines in ML that NaN data are silently ignored; so you draw a 'grouped' bar plot on LH axes with the first column of data but NaN as placeholder for second and vice versa on RH axes.
Should be a higher-level way to tell yyaxis/bar together this is what you're trying to achieve without having to do it directly oneself, but "it is what it is" at present.
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