MATLAB: Plotting values with duration format


time_array=[6 0 0;6 1 0;6 2 0;6 3 0;6 4 0;6 5 0;6 6 0;6 7 0;6 8 0;6 9 0;6 10 0;6 11 0;6 12 0;6 13 0;6 14 0;6 15 0;6 16 0;6 17 0;6 18 0;6 19 0;6 20 0;6 21 0;6 22 0;6 23 0;7 0 0];
In the figure1, values of time_format cannot match the time_format array. How can I keep the exact value of time_format while plotting?
time format consists of day-hour-minute values. I cannot find day-hour-minute format in matlab. So in figure1, some values like 06:40:00 shouldn't be seen.

Best Answer

Because you have a jump from 06:23:00 to 07:00:00. Add the following line to your code and set the xticks explicitly.
xticks([time_format(1) time_format(6) time_format(11) time_format(15) time_format(20) time_format(25)])
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