MATLAB: Plotting values with colormap of xy-plane


I have used countourf(X,Y,Z); I have X, Y, Z are (11X300) matrix; I need to plot values of Z with different colors on a x-y plane. note that X is originally a vector(1X300) and Y is (1X11), by meshgrid it was turned into the same size of Z. I do not know how to plot Z values on the x-y plane with different colors.

Best Answer

pcolor(X, Y, Z) is the same as surf(X, Y, Z, 'edgecolor', 'none') followed by view(90)
If your X and Y are consecutive integers starting from 1, then you could just
Note that when you pcolor or surf, that the number of output "pixels" is one fewer in each direction than the number of rows or columns. surf determines the color of each pixel by interpolation from the four corner vertices.
If your X and Y are linear and equidistant, you could consider using
imagesc(X, Y, Z)