MATLAB: Plotting the output of a function

functionintegralintegrationmatlab functionnumerical integrationplotplotting

I would like to plot the output of the integral function that I made (see below). Basically, I created a function that takes in constants and the function to be integrated. Then I want to plot the integral from t = 0 to t = 1.5. My code does not work. Can someone teach me what to do?
function V_out = homew(tau, Vin);
syms t
Vout = 1 / tau * int(Vin, t)
t = 0 : 0.1 : 1.5
plot(t, Vout)

Best Answer

Use subs command.
function V_out = homew(tau, Vin)
syms t
Vout = 1 / tau * int(Vin, t);
t = 0 : 0.1 : 1.5
plot(t, Vout)
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