MATLAB: Plotting the different solution via fzero solver against a range of one of the variable

2d plot2dplotplot

I am bit new to the matlab; I am having trouble with this, I got different values of phi0 at different Nt using fzero solver; called phi0value. I want to plot Nt v/s phi0value? I used plot (Nt, phi0) for this, it is not working. I dont know how to plot a range of output against a range of variable? Please guide me through this.This will be a great help!! Thank You.
N = 100;
% define the parameters
Nd = 1e23;
e = 12*1e-12;
%r = 0
R = 20*1e-9;
Et_Ef = -0.21*1.6*1e-19;
K = 1.3807e-23;
T = 600;
Nt = linspace(1e15,1e17,N);
q = 1.6e-19;
for i = 1:N
Ld = sqrt(e*K*T/(q^2*Nd))
funct= @(R,phi0) (4.*pi.*(Nd-Nd.*exp(-phi0)).*R.^2)
equation = @(phi0)integral(@(R)funct(R,phi0),0,R,'ArrayValued',true)-(4*pi.*R.^2.*Nt(i)./(1+2*exp((Et_Ef + K*T .*(phi0 + (1/6).*(R/Ld).^2))/(K.*T))));
%X= [0 10];
phi0value = fzero(equation,10)
plot (Nt,phi0val)

Best Answer

N = 100;
% define the parameters
Nd = 1e23;
e = 12*1e-12;
%r = 0
R = 20*1e-9;
Et_Ef = -0.21*1.6*1e-19;
K = 1.3807e-23;
T = 600;
Nt = linspace(1e15,1e17,N);
q = 1.6e-19;
phi0value = zeros(1,N);
for ii = 1:N
Ld = sqrt(e*K*T/(q^2*Nd))
funct= @(R,phi0) (4.*pi.*(Nd-Nd.*exp(-phi0)).*R.^2)
equation = @(phi0)integral(@(R)funct(R,phi0),0,R,'ArrayValued',true)-(4*pi.*R.^2.*Nt(ii)./(1+2*exp((Et_Ef + K*T .*(phi0 + (1/6).*(R/Ld).^2))/(K.*T))));
%X= [0 10];
phi0value(ii) = fzero(equation,10)
plot (Nt,phi0value)