MATLAB: Plotting the Bessel function equation

bessel functionezplot

Hello, Can anyone tell me how to plot
J_1^2(x)/J_0^2(x) as shown in the attached file?
The code I have prepared so far is as follows:
syms x
b1=(besselj(0, x).^2)
b2=(besselj(1, x).^2)
b= b2/b1;
Does it make sense? Thanks

Best Answer

I think you're pretty close, but I did the plotting numerically instead of using a symbolic variable. If you're interested in the peaks of the ratio, you'll probably want to zoom out quite a bit more (at least 1e5). Hope this helps.
x = 0:0.01:20;
b1 = besselj(0, x);
b2 = besselj(1, x);
b = b2.^2./b1.^2;
axis([0 20 -0.5 15])