MATLAB: Plotting subplot in real time Problem

arduinoreal time plottingsubplot

I am interfacing Arduino with MATLAB through serial plot. I have an accelerometer that input three values each time into the serial plot. I am trying to plot the 3 channel data into 3 separate subplot in real time. For some reason, only my last subplot will continuous scroll and the first two will stay at one scroll window.
if(scrollWidth > 0)
set(plotgraph1,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),...
'YData',datax(time > time(count)-scrollWidth));
xlim([time(count)-scrollWidth time(count)]);
set(plotGraph2,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),...
'YData',datay(time > time(count)-scrollWidth));
xlim([time(count)-scrollWidth time(count)]);
set(plotGraph3,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),...
'YData',dataz(time > time(count)-scrollWidth));
xlim([time(count)-scrollWidth time(count)]);

Best Answer

xlim([time(count)-scrollWidth time(count)])
This updates the X-limits of the current axes. If you only set the XData of an existing line object (created by a plot command), the current axes does not change. Therefore define the affected axes explicitely:
xlimit = [time(count)-scrollWidth, time(count)];
set(axes1, 'xlim', xlimit);
and the same for the other two axes also - assuming that axes1 is defined accordingly. You can set all three axes with one command also:
set([axes1, axes2, axes3], 'xlim', xlimit);