MATLAB: Plotting stander deviations on means


How to plot std on means?
hold on
this is my codes, i have tried stem on it, but the std just connect to the floor. I do not know how to connect the upper std and down std to the mean points with line. Thanks for helping!!

Best Answer

Without having the data it's impossible to visualize your plots. I understand that you want to plot standard deviations but that's about all (what's the floor?).
Option 1 is using errorbar() function where you plot a point (eg, the mean) and the standard deviation which shows up as an errorbar.
% Plot a vertical errorbar at (0,5) extending 3 units in each direction
errorbar(0, 5, -3)
Option 2 it sounds like you're trying to plot a line that extends from a lower to upper bound and passes through the mean. For that you can just use
% plot horizontal line from x=-3 to x=3 along y=5
plot([-3, 3], [5 5], 'k-')
% plot vertical line from y=-3 to y=3 along x=5
plot([5, 5], [-3 3], 'k-')