MATLAB: Plotting standard normal rvs

standard normal rvs

I'm trying to determine the plot of the standard normal (for n=10) and plot it. Can I do this by using y=1/2*erfc(-x/sqrt(2)) or can I use y =1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2) * exp(-(x-mu).^2 /(2 * sigma2));
Thank you

Best Answer

If you have the Statistics Toolbox, then this is extremely easy, just using the normpdf function which encodes the formula for you.
MU = 10;
SIGMA = 1;
x = 5 : 0.01 : 15;
y = normpdf(x,MU,SIGMA)
If you don't have the toolbox, then just use
y =1./sqrt(2*pi*SIGMA) * exp(-(x-MU).^2 /(2 * SIGMA));