MATLAB: Plotting simple one variable functions for beginner using fplot


How to create a plot for a function of one variable f(x)=x^3? If I define x1 as a symbolic real variable, and define f=x1^3, why do I get the following error when plotting f(x) for values of x between -1 and 1?
>>syms x1 real
f =
>> fplot(f,[-1,1]) Error using fcnchk (line 106) If FUN is a MATLAB object, it must have an feval method.
Error in fplot (line 60) fun = fcnchk(fun);

Best Answer

Hello bluseky,
Try "ezplot" instead:
syms x1 real
If you require the use of "fplot", give me a shout, and I'll cook something else up,
Jonathan Campelli