MATLAB: Plotting seperate figure in for loop

figurefor loopplotvector

I have matlab script which gives me a vector( name as PSa) of 3991×44. I do have another vector (name as PSa_avg) of 3991×1 (it's average of PSa). Now, I have vector T of 1×3991. Now, I want to have a for loop for PSa so that I can plot each column of PSa with T and then in same plot I would like to plot PSa_avg with T and so on for all 44 columns in 44 figure using for loop. Let me know your suggestions. Thank you.

Best Answer

44 separate figures? Be aware that this many figures can make MATLAB unhappy to the point of Java crashing, particularly on lower memory systems or those without a dedicated video card. But it's easy to accomplish in a for loop:
n = size(PSa,2)
for ix=1:n
nm = sprintf('PSa #%u',ix);
fh = figure('Name',sprintf('Data Column %u',ix));
ha = axes('Parent',fh);
legend(ha,nm,'PS Avg');