MATLAB: Plotting scatter plot in a FOR loop with different colors

colorexcel file plottingfor loopplotplottingscatter plot

I am plotting a scatter plot from 'n'(=7,for now) Excel files. I am running a FOR loop to read through each Excel file and plot the scatter plot. But I am not able to change the color of the scatter plot each time the loop begins afresh. I basically want those 'n' scatter plots where each scatter plot is corresponding to a different Excel file (either filled circles or '*') in different colors, on the same graph. Can somebody please help me with this? Code is below:
for k=1:7
FileName2 = [' _xyz_',num2str(k),'.xls'];
filename3 =fullfile('ABC', FileName2);
sz = 25;
axis([115000 148000 35 160])

Best Answer

for i=1:N
for the defined color mnemonics for red,green,blue,cyan,magenta,yellow,black. Rearrange order as wished; if want more or custom colors, use RGB triplets. Doc for 'linespec' shows examples.
You can do similar for symbols as well to iterate over them, of course.