MATLAB: Plotting random vectors

plotting vectors random generation

Just a heads up, I have virtually no matlab experience. I need to generate a an XY-plane where a random number 'n' vectors will be plotted. How do I do this?
Also, after they are plotted I want to iterate the function so that every time I hit enter the graph will update moving the vectors in a certain manner based on the following two functions: (x_i is the i^th particle's position) x_i(t + 1) = x_i(t) + v_i(t)(t-t_0) as position
(i^th particles direction) theta(t+1) = theta(t)_r
where theta(t)_r denotes the average direction of velocities of of the particles surrounding the ith particle being within a circle of radius r.
Hopefully this would eventually make all the vectors point in the same direction and cluster to a certain area.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

R = rand(N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom values drawn from the standard uniform distribution on the open interval(0,1).
You could draw your vectors from R by random coordinates for every vector. For plotting consider using the file:
If you need to update the plot, put a 'hold on' command after plotting the initially generated vectors. Then update the coordinates based on the requirement you mention. In a loop I would see this simple solution working.
I hope it helps!
Best regards, Poul Reitzel