MATLAB: Plotting on .fig file (in new window if possible)

fig-filefigureMATLABplottingplotting on .fig file

I am trying to open a figure and plot additional data on it. The figure was given to me as a .fig file so I do not have the data to recreate it.
To open the file, I am using the following code:
fig = openfig('filename');
However that opens it in the script tab and not as a new figure window. How can I open it in a new figure window like all my other plots?
Once I have that opened (regardless of in new window or not), how do I plot on it?
I am trying
hold on
But that doesn't seem to be working.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Figures are container objects that cannot be directly drawn to. You can only plot() into axes. Axes are contained inside figures or inside uipanels (or a small number of other container types.)
In order to draw, you will need to either select an existing axes or else create a new axes inside the figure.
%get the figure
fig = openfig('filename');
%pull out the right axes
fig_axes = findobj(fig, 'type', 'axes');
selected_axes_idx = 2; %set as appropriate for your purpose
ax = fig_axes(selected_axes_idx);
%do the additional drawing
hold(ax, 'on');
x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi);
y1 = cos(x);
plot(ax, x, y1, 'color', 'b');
hold(ax, 'off');