MATLAB: Plotting multiple time series in one graph

time series

Dear all,
I have the following matrix
TTT' '2-11-2008' [ 8.0486] [0.7113]
'TTT' '30-11-2008' [ 8.4678] [0.7217]
'TTT' '28-12-2008' [ 8.1981] [0.7271]
'TTT' '25-01-2009' [ 8.1123] [0.7236]
'b1' '2-11-2008' [ 8.3363] [0.8208]
'b1' '30-11-2008' [ 8.8482] [0.8205]
'b1' '28-12-2008' [ 8.4075] [0.8235]
'b1' '25-01-2009' [ 8.3332] [0.8171]
And I want to plot for each “TTT” and for each “b1” the evolution of the values which are given in the last two columns.
So, I want one graph for the group “TTT” that will plot BOTH the time series for the third and fourth column (in one graph).
Then one graph for the group “b1” that will plot BOTH the time series for the third and fourth column (in one graph) and so forth.
I have a large matrix which means that I have many groups like “TTT” “b1” etc. So a loop might be the solution