MATLAB: Plotting multiple points in graph


I want to plot multiple points on the graph as shown in the picture
the code i am currently using is this:
delta = 1; %user editted
%spacing between points
%generated array of points
counter = 1;
for counterx = 1: delta : 10
for countery = 1: delta : 10
xcod(counter) = counterx;
ycod(counter) = countery;
counter = counter+1
xcod = transpose(xcod);
ycod = transpose(ycod);
%plotting points into graph
plot(xcod,ycod,'.') % points plot
is there a way to plot this graph differently?
I do not want to do it using a 'counter loop' as that will take computing time if i increase the amount of points plotted
note: delta is used in the code because i want the code to be user editted in the final code, it is there as a placeholder while i finish the other parts

Best Answer

Here is one way
x = 1:10; y = 1:10; [x, y] = meshgrid(x,y);