MATLAB: Plotting lissajous (phase figure) gives wrong results

diff()differential equationssecond order differential equation

Plotting lissajous (phase figure) I obtained the plot in photo 1, but I shoould have the plot of figure 2. Could someone please help me figure out the mistake?
c = 1;
b = 0.1;
a = 0.45;
d = 1; %-1
%obtaining the solution to second order differential equation x'' + bx' − x + x^3 = a sin (wt). this is duffing holmes equation
%the equation was converted to a system of 2 equations y=x' and y' = d*x - c*x^3 − by + a sin(wt)
%this link was used to solve 2 order ODE
syms y(t)
[V] = odeToVectorField(diff(y, 2) == d*y - c*y^3-b*diff(y) + a*sin(w*t));
M = matlabFunction(V,'vars', {'t','Y'});
sol = ode45(M,[0 100],[2 2]);
figure (1)
fplot(@(x)deval(sol,x, 1), [0 100]);
title('position vs time');
xlabel('time t');
ylabel ('position x');
%differentiating with respect to time and plotting velocity vs position
dY = diff(sol.y);
dX = diff(sol.x);
der = dYY./dX;
disp = sol.y;
disp2 = disp(:,1:end-1);
figure (2)
plot(disp2, der, 'r-');
title('Lissajous Figure');
ylabel ('velocity');

Best Answer

Use a slightly different ode45 call, and then plot the columns of ‘y’ against each other:
[t,y] = ode45(M,[0 100],[2 2]);
plot(y(:,1), y(:,2))
title('Lissajous Figure');
ylabel ('velocity');
Other that that, your code is correct, so no other changes are necessary.
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