MATLAB: Plotting latitude, longitude and array with a shapefile outline

latitudelongitudeMapping Toolboxplotting mapshapefile

I have three 120 by 150 arrays, one for latitude, one for longitude and one for solar radiation. I also have a shapefile showing the Ethiopian border.shapefile_ethiopia.png.
I can use pcolor to plot this data but I would really like to use a shapefile to show the Ethiopian country outline on top of this data.
I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!ethiopia_solarradiation.png

Best Answer

You can plot the map outline over your data by using ‘geoshow’ function and setting the 'FaceColor' field to 'none'. If the line isn’t clearly visible, you could alter the ‘linewidth’ field as required. Hope this helps
eg: geoshow('landareas.shp', 'FaceColor', 'none','LineWidth',2);
For more information on the “geoshow function”, you can refer to this link:
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