MATLAB: Plotting lat, lon, altitude, variable

3d plot4d plotclimate data

I have 3 vectors of latitude, longitude, and elevation respectively. I also have a corresponding 3d matrix of size latitude*longitude*elevation which contains some data (Temperature). I want to display the Temperature data in 3d space. What is the best way to do this? Note: I don't want to use trisurf because it requires reshaping the matrix into 3 separate vectors, with which I found difficulty in tracking the data points.
Many thanks.

Best Answer

You can try pcolor3, although it does not work for Matlab 2014b.
% Some data:
[lon,lat,z] = meshgrid(-180:3:180,-90:2:90,0:50:1000);
T = 20 - .1*abs(lat) - .01*z + sind(lon);
% Plot dataset:
% Add labels:
zlabel('elevation (m)')
title('temperature or something')
axis tight