MATLAB: Plotting in Multiple Figures inside Loop


I'm trying to plot data on two different figures within a loop. When I do this, the computer flashes between the two figures in each iteration, which slows down the program considerably. Is there a way to hide the figures until the loop is finished?
for i = 1:100
plot(data1, data2)
plot(data1, data3)

Best Answer

Calling the figure command will cause the graphics queue to flush (basically like a drawnow call). That's what is slowing the program down. Instead of calling figure, you can get the same effect -- without the implicit drawnow -- by setting the root's CurrentFigure property:
f1 = figure;
f2 = figure;
for i = 1:100
set(0, 'CurrentFigure', f1)
plot(data1, data2)
set(0, 'CurrentFigure', f2)
plot(data1, data3)