MATLAB: Plotting in 3D many sets of x and y values against a third axis time

3dcsvdatalarge setsMATLABplot

So through an experiment, I have hundreds of sets of 2048 x and 2048 y values which I want to plot against eachother over time. I think what I might be looking for is a surface plot, however when I looked at the documentation and tried it with some dummy numbers, it didn't play nicely.
Just to be clear, I have all the data in CSV files, so I have the x values which are wavelength which are always the same. I then have the y values which are absorption which are the things changing and finally I have time which I would like to plot on the z axis. The time corresponds to one set of 2048
How would I go about doing this? I've been sat here thinking for a couple of hours now and can't think of a good way to do it.
Thank you!
P.S I attached a badly drawn image of how I'm hoping it'll look

Best Answer

Something like this?
t = linspace(0, 10, 1000);
w = linspace(1, 3, 10)';
a = linspace(0.2, 1, 10)';
x = a.*sin(w.*t);
f = figure();
ax = axes();
view(ax,[30 30]);
for i=1:10
plot3(t, w(i)*ones(size(t)), x(i,:), 'LineWidth', 1)